It's about time we had some good news...
and It didn't come a moment too soon
We are delighted to hear of the recent development of a new vaccine created by Pfizer and BioNTech to fight against the Coronavirus as well as the great efforts made by all to get us through this trying time. Great news indeed.
It is with equal delight that we can see a serious drop in new cases from last month as we once again went into lock down in October. Hopefully we will witness a further drop in new Covid 19 cases and see a lifting of the present restrictions in December. Well done to you all from us here in M & C Joinery.
While it's great to see some light at the end of the tunnel, we still must be vigilant as we know the situation is still very serious. We recently installed safety screens in St. Vincent's Hospital and have seen first hand the great work that is being done to combat this awful Pandemic. Once again - well done to everyone.
We'll get through this together - apart. Stay safe!
Wash your hands and wear your mask.