Protective Screens
Safeguarding Staff & Customers from Covid 19
M & C Joinery offer a wide range of fitted transparent protective screens made of clear acrylic sheeting at competitive prices. These screens act as protective shielding between cashiers and customers. Covid-19 and many other viruses are spread through droplets in the air from coughing and sneezing and you can halt the spread of Corona virus in your business with a protective screen.
Many supermarkets and large stores have implemented measures such as queuing management and adjusted opening hours, to allow customers to buy essentials while also meeting the social distancing requirements as laid out by the Government at the outset of the Corona Virus safety measures. However, for small and independent businesses and those with minimal floor space, many of these changes are not as easy to implement. In these cases, a simple method of minimising personal contact, is to install M & C Joinery Protective Screens at checkout/payment points which will shield and act as a barrier against unnecessary contact and possible Covid-19 airborne particles.
We have all been advised by the HSE that Protective Screens will be made compulsory in Ireland in the future. All businesses and people will need to adjust their ways as to how they safely operate on a daily basis in the face of the current Corona Virus pandemic.
Protect your most valuable assets…. your staff and customers, against airborne viruses, such as Covid-19, with a protective screen from M & C Joinery Ltd.
The Benefits of Protective Screens when used against Covid-19
- Reduce the risk of viral infection from coughing and sneezing.
- Protect your most valuable assets - your staff and customers.
- Allows for the serving/transferring of goods and items through a hatch thus reducing any risk.
- Suitable for shops, cafes, filling stations, pharmacies, reception areas, hospitals etc.
- Attractive, durable and extremely easy to clean.
- Fitted and installed to measure.
For more information and to order yours today call 045 521 192 or 087 258 8501!