M&C Joinery – Bespoke Joinery & Wood Products Ireland

The Future is Now at

Old meets new – bespoke wood designs now created with precision and speed using our new CNC machines.

As mentioned in our previous posts, M and C Joinery has brought the future to modern joinery and bespoke timber craft in Ireland. We are now at full flow in the use and application of our new state-of-the-art CNC machines.

custom-designed pieces.

The term CNC stands for ‘computer numerical control’ and a CNC machine processes hardwoods to meet the design specifications by following coded programmed instructions and without a manual operator directly controlling the machining operation. The machine tools to remove layers from the timber piece and produces custom-designed pieces.

Biesse The Rover K Smart

The first CNC machine is the Biesse The Rover K Smart 5 Axis

This is superb for machining panels and solid wood pieces with a single high production wood turning unit. This unique machine offers greater speed and control when we want our designs to come to life. This new installations enables M & C Joinery to accept the largest possible number of dedicated orders for bespoke wood design and timber architecture.

Weinig 5 Head Moulder

The next CNC machine is the Weinig 5 Head Moulder

This planing machine and moulder is used for longitudinal processing of products in solid wood, and are, therefore, generally the centerpiece of production facilities. This is where maximum value creation is applied to the work piece and quality and reliability are essential. The two aspects are an M & C Joinery trademark that all our customers enjoy when we take on any project.


If you have any special requirements or projects that you would like us to design, create and install please contact us on

Tel: +353 45 521192

Mob: +353 87 2588501

or use the contact form across to make an enquiry and we will delighted to help.