photography by Fran McCormack
Lifting a train engine onto a truck is a complex and challenging task that requires specialized equipment, expertise, and planning.
When Rhomberg Sersa asked Paul McLoughlin of M & C Joinery to create wooden carcasses for the locomotive rest on, he knew exactly what was needed.
Lifting a locomotive onto a truck is a complex and difficult task that requires specialized equipment and expertise
It is vital to involve experienced professionals like M & C Joinery in this process – we have the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure safety, prevent damage to the train engine and truck, and comply with relevant regulations and standards.
After the lift is complete, a thorough inspection of the engine, lifting equipment, and truck should be conducted to ensure everything is secure and ready for transportation.
One again M & C Joinery provide the expertise and skill for any job that requires superior timber products and solutions.
CRO No. 137911